1 day/week: $40/month

On Boarding

When a client first signs up for a program I send out a welcome email containing the following:

  1. The coach/athlete contract.
  2. Payment information.
  3. The on-boarding form.

The coach/athlete contract is an agreement that I ask every client to sign. It simply lists out everything I expect from my clients and everything my clients can expect from me. For example, the payment agreement, the times of the day I’m available to respond to messages, and the most important expectation I have of my clients which is for them to try their best.

The payment information contains all the ways you can pay for your training each month. The exact day will be up the client, but once set should remain consistent unless arrangements have been made in advance.

Finally, the on-boarding form is a quick form that every client fills out that asks for their current basic health and fitness information like age, height, weight, the date they would like to start their training, and some other basic questions that I use to get to know the client a bit better.

The Program

After the onboarding process I create your training program and then share it with you through your Client Portal. Everything related to your training program can be found in the portal. There is a section called Program which lists each training cycle you've completed. An example athlete portal is shown to the right.

Typically, training programs are broken up into 4, 8, or 12 week cycles depending on the client and their goals. The 4 week cycle is the most popular. For example, every 4 weeks I change up the exercises in the clients training program. This ensures that we are building fitness without getting too bored.

Athlete portal with training overview, nutrition goals, and a structured program for strength gains. Click to enlarge
Then inside the page for a Cycle lists the days of the week with tags for the concentration of each day. An example can be seen to the right.
An example cycle is shown headed by Cycle 4. Then there is a list of 
                    each day of the week with various
                    concentrations listed for each day. Click to enlarge
Each day contains that day's training with descriptions, videos, and places for the client to record their feedback for the day. In addition, there is a location for me to write a response to the client's feedback for them to consider the next week.
An example training day is shown with a workout description and movement videos. Click to enlarge

Weekly Check-Ins

Each week on Sunday and Monday I read over all of my clients feedback for the week and collect questions and messages of support into a weekly check-in message I’ll send privately to each client. These weekly check-ins give me a chance to track how my clients are progressing, answer questions they have, and give advice for how they should proceed the following week. I always stay in constant contact with all of my clients on a weekly basis. In addition to these weekly check-ins, clients are welcome to message me any time on WhatsApp.